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Sunday, June 5, 2016

Allegiant by Veronica Roth

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Even if you've heard spoilers (and we hope you haven't!), the book is still worth reading to see how Roth ties up her loose ends. Final books in beloved series rarely go the "safe" route; they have to be memorable, and the authors often make risky decisions to give their characters and readers a worthy ending. Veronica Roth bravely closes out her trilogy by inserting a second perspective with Tobias' point of view and shakes things up with subplots and twists that force her characters into increasingly frustrating, confusing, and heartbreaking territory. It's clear that Allegiant, like Suzanne Collins' Mockingjay, is a polarizing finale, because in both novels external forces make characters act differently from what readers would expect, and in both novels the central love story is challenged by its biggest obstacles.
The change in perspective isn't smooth initially, and occasionally it's unclear who the narrator is, because Tobias/Four's voice isn't quite as distinct from Tris' as you might expect. But eventually it's clear why the double point of view works, and it's fascinating to witness how differently the characters process every new discovery. The author references moments from Divergent as a nod to her fans (as with Tobias teasingly calling Tris "Stiff," and both of them recalling the first time they touched or looked into each other's eyes). Tris and Tobias will forever remain one of the best-developed couples in young adult history and Divergent one of the genre's best examples of a series that has it all: action, romance, depth, and heart.


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